Make America Pro-Life
West Virginia can make a difference
The U.S. Senate will determine the passage of bills that will remove all the pro-life work done in West Virginia on behalf of the unborn and their mothers. In the U.S. Senate, one man has the power to protect or destroy human life. That man is Senator Joe Manchin. West Virginians have an important role to play in protecting America from the damage that could be done by the pro-abortion majority in the Democrat Party.
Because the Mountain State’s voice is so important, West Virginians for Life, through WV Speaks will ask West Virginians to contact Senator Joe Manchin to ask him to vote on the Biden Abortion Agenda as follows:
Click here for the most recent National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) report of pro-abortion legislation on Capitol Hill relevant to which pro-lifers should be taking action.
Click here to read Dr. Wanda Franz’s Letter to the Editor in response to the Dominion Post pro-Equality Act stance.
Manchin’s Interview on MetroNews (June 24, 2022)
Listen to Interview
Judge Ketanji Brown confirmed to a seat on the Supreme Court on a vote of 53-47
Manchin Stands Strong on Opposition to WHPA
WASHINGTON – Monday (February 28), Senate Democrats, led by Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) failed to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, a controversial bill that would have overridden nearly all existing state pro-life laws, including those in West Virginia.
The bill needed 60 votes in order to move on, yet the motion failed by a vote of 46 to 48. This extremist legislation failed to acquire a majority of U.S. Senators.
West Virginia senator, Joe Manchin, stood up against his party and was the only Democrat to vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act.
Among the protective laws that the bill would have nullified here in West Virginia are:
- Abortion Pill Reversal;
- Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act;
- Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act;
- Women’s Right to Know Act;
- Parent’s Right to Know Act;
- Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act;
- Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.
The bill passed on September 24, 2021, in the House by a vote of 218 to 211 with all Republicans and one lone Democrat voting against it.
On January 19, 2022, Senator Manchin Stood Strong and Kept His Word on Keeping the Filibuster.
Call Senator Manchin at 202-224-3954 to thank him for his vote.
UPDATE on Build Back Better = Bad Bad Bad
WASHINGTON—The National Right to Life Committee condemned the passage of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill that was pushed through the House Friday (November 19, 2021) morning as part of Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.
The House of Representatives passed the “Build Back Better” spending bill in a vote of 220 to 213 with no Republican support. Read the press release here. Click here to download a pdf copy.
In the midst of negotiations and parliamentary procedures, Senator Joe Manchin publicly pulled his support from the bill for not matching his envisioned cost of about $1.75 trillion, then subsequently retracted support for his own compromise legislation. This effectively killed the bill as it needs all 50 Democratic senators to pass via reconciliation, although further discussions to salvage its contents are ongoing as of January 2022.
Contact Senators Manchin (202-224-3954) and Capito (202-224-6472) and tell them to oppose the Build Back Better reconciliation bill.
National Right to Life on the So-Called “Freedom to Vote Act”
WASHINGTON, D.C.— On January 19, 2022, in the U.S. Senate, the Democrats’ bill to overhaul voting and election laws did not advance by a vote of 49-51.. Pro-abortion Senator Chuck Schumer changed his vote to no for procedural reasons.
Also failing, by a vote of 52-48, was a proposed change to the Senate filibuster.
National Right to Life strongly condemned the passage of the so-called “Freedom to Vote Act,” H.R. 5746, which passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, January 13, with a party line vote of 220-203. Read more in the NRLC press release.
Tell Manchin to Vote NO on:
Equality Act
The so-called Equality Act, which would make abortions more available and expand taxpayer funding of abortion, and would eliminate all the pro-life protective legislation passed in West Virginia..
ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)
Passage of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), which would eliminate all the pro-life protective legislation passed in West Virginia.
ERA Action Alert can be found here.
Update: ERA Supporters Hold August 26 Rally at U.S. Supreme Court, But Sharply Disagree on Legal Theories and Political Strategy; “Deadline Removal” Measure Dead in Water in U.S. Senate; Democrat-Appointed Judges Extend Unbroken 40-Year Losing Streak for ERA-Resuscitation Legal Claims

Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Blueprint Package with Lankford Amendment Supporting Hyde and Weldon Language
As Congress works on its annual spending bills, the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer-funded abortions, is at risk. The Hyde Amendment has proven itself to be the greatest domestic abortion-reduction measure ever enacted by Congress, saving estimated 2.4 million lives. The Senate passed the Budget Blueprint Package on August 11 (a pro-life win). It’s now up to the House of Representatives. Call Congress now to urge them to retain the Hyde Amendment. #NoHydeNoBudget.
URGENT 8/24/21 Press Release.
Click here to read the 8/11/21 Press Release.
For the People Act of 2021 Failed to Pass
For the People Act of 2021
The so-called For the People Act of 2021, which would put restrictions on free speech and pile layers of abusive record-keeping on organizations like West Virginians for Life and National Right to Life (NRLC).
All senate democrats (with the exception of Senator Manchin – a pro-life action on his part) have co-sponsored the legislation.
The so-called “For the People Act of 2021” (restrictions on free speech) alert can be found here.
UPDATE: The June 22 vote on the “For the People Act of 2021” (which needed 60 votes to pass) failed by a 50-50 vote in the U.S. Senate. Although Senator Joe Manchin voted FOR it (pro-abortion vote), the filibuster rule prevented a disaster. Here is the National Right to Life press release.

“West Virginia is pro-life. West Virginia is courageous. We can make a difference.”

WVFL President Wanda Franz, Ph.D.